Media Mentions


Alumnus Endows $1M Chair in Materials Science and Engineering

College of Engineering graduate Dylan Taylor is funding the Patrick R. Taylor Endowed Department Leadership Chair to honor his father, a renowned expert in metallurgy, materials science and thermal plasma technology.

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Here's How We Can Reinvent Impact Philanthropy

When most Americans write a check or make a donation in some form to a foundation or charity, they have hopefully done their research on organizations that can best use their money. Making sure money gets to the right place is the first step in successful giving.

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Evolution: Hiring our First Full-Time Teammate Thanks to "Buy One, Give One."

In 2021, the field of human spaceflight changed enormously. With only a few exceptions, the 581 humans who had reached space prior to this year were sent there as government employees selected for government-funded missions. But this year saw a transformation of the field, with private missions carrying humans to space on four different vehicles from four different spaceports.

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